Our Journey

  • First Importer in India for Non-Woven Pads

    We were the first in India to import non-woven pads. It was a big step and showed our commitment to innovation and quality.

  • Establishment

    In 2013, A-One Fibers Pvt. Ltd. started with a simple goal: to make quality products. We began small but with big dreams.

  • Our First Plant for Non-Woven Scrub Pads in India

    We didn't stop there. We set up India's first plant solely for making non-woven scrub pads. This was a game-changer.

Industries We Cater To​

Home Cleaning

From scrub pads to floor cleaning pads, we offer effective solutions to keep your home sparkling clean.

Metal Finishing

Our products play a crucial role in achieving flawless metal finishes, ensuring durability and shine.

Utensils Finishing

We provide reliable tools for achieving the perfect finish on utensils, maintaining their quality and appearance.

Floor Polishing

With our floor polishing pads, we help you achieve professional-grade results, enhancing the beauty of your floors.

Stone Polishing

Our specialised pads are designed to deliver exceptional results in stone polishing, bringing out the natural beauty of marble and granite surfaces.

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